6 Ways to Live Intentionally And Avoid Wasting Your Time & Money

Everyone is capable of achieving their goals in life, but only a few actually reach it. Why is the success ratio between those who achieve their goals and those who give up drastically different? It’s because the one who is successful lives everyday with intentions; whereas the one that lives without any intention is always distracted, delays their goals, and ultimately gives up.

An intention is our aim, or a goal that we are working towards. However, there are daily distractions on our path that if we want to remain focused we have to clear these distractions. This requires effort on our end to create the life we want. This is why living with intentions is imperative because it is up to us to make it work. It may feel like a lot of pressure, but it is also very empowering to know that if we only apply ourselves we can achieve a great result.

This post will speak about 6 ways we can live with intentions and avoid wasting our time and resources on meaningless things. Living with intentions means we want to add value to our lives and involve ourselves in things that create fulfillment towards our goals; not the opposite.

6 Ways to Live Intentionally:

  1. Clear the Clutter
  2. Use time productively
  3. Be prepared
  4. Spend on what you need
  5. Be surrounded by good people
  6. Important reminder!

Clear the Clutter

To focus on what really matters to us, we need to narrow down what consumes us. Now, this can apply materialistically, financially, or mentally. Something as simple as cleaning our homes can help with clearing the clutter in our minds, too. Take a moment to decide what you can cut off and what is absolutely necessary to keep. Is there something we are holding onto that isn’t pushing us towards our goals? Think of climbing a mountain. The top of our mountain is our goal. If you put things like an expensive vase or a car battery in your backpack it wouldn’t help you get to the top of the mountain. But if you put things like a water bottle or a rope in your backpack, these things would help you reach the top. Depending on your goal, you get to decide what stays or goes. Go ahead and take charge.

Use Time Productively

Our time is our greatest form of currency, so why waste it? Of course, we need to rest and take time to recover. Our minds and bodies are exhausted and need healing. This we shouldn’t skip. However, using our time to do things that are not beneficial to us or our goals is something we need to stop doing. Not every weekend can be quality time with loved ones or meeting new people. This can be a distraction from making progress on our goals. If you want to live with intentions, every hour should have a beneficial purpose. There are things you have to do, like work, being a parent, etc.; these are obligations that are non-negotiable. On the other hand, there are things we want to do, like our hobbies, vacations, etc.; we make time to do these things. However, for our goals, we must set time to do it and stick to it. Results > excuses.

Be Prepared

Prepare for your day the night before. By doing this, your future self will thank you! If you have a big project that is due in 2 weeks, start making progress to complete it before the due date. Last minute work cannot even compare to thoroughly planned hard work.

Spend on What You Need

Most goals require us to invest in them to make it happen. Because of this we want to ensure that every dollar spent will help us significantly. Make a budget; whether daily, weekly, or monthly, and stick to it. Avoid overly spending on entertainment or leisure. It’s healthy to spend quality time with loved ones, however, keep in mind that you are responsible for achieving your success, not them.

Be Surrounded by Good People

Out of all, this is the one we must be extra careful with. We need to make sure we are surrounding ourselves with good company. People who make us feel good without guilt. Paying attention to what our gut tells us is important in ensuring we do not spend our time with negative people, who don’t care about us, and lack ambition. When being surrounded by the wrong company, it drains us of the energy we could’ve used in a more productive way. This doesn’t necessarily mean just cut people out of your life, but do not spend as much time with them. Lastly, don’t get caught up in having your ego inflated by your circle because receiving constructive criticism from a mentor or a person you admire is what you’d want in becoming better.

Important Reminder! 

When we are striving after our goals, we will experience setbacks and challenges. Please remember that these aren’t obstacles, but our guides to the goal. Maintaining a positive perspective is key in achieving our dreams. Don’t rely on motivation to remain positive and work on your goals. Discipline is what’s needed to take you to the very end. A challenge we may face within ourselves is our own biases and sticking to what seems familiar to us, but here’s a quote to keep in mind:

“When you want what you never had, you must do what you’ve never done.”


We are in the process of getting to where we want to be, so we should be open to learning and trying new things. Expect the unexpected. If we break down the barriers we built up in our minds, more possibilities will be created.

If all of this seems too much to do all at once, just try one and naturally all the others will fall in place. Get yourself in the mindset that you do not always have to be the best, but you do always have to give it your best. Proclaim that you have it and you will live it.

You got this!

As always…

1 comment

  • Rosaura Gomez says:

    My favorites out of the 6 ways of living intentionally are being prepared and being surrounded by good people. This definitely can be part of anyone life’s philosophy. Very interesting!!!

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