Three Signs You Need To Take A Break From Work

Sometimes work can be stressful.

It’s difficult to remove ourselves from work when we feel so strongly attached to it. Work is a place we spend a lot, or even, most of our time, so it shouldn’t be as stressful as we make of it.

If you find yourself overwhelmed at work and don’t know why, maybe these three signs that you need a break from work will resonate with you.

1. Almost Everyday You Hold Back Tears or Anger

There could be so many reasons as to why you’re feeling upset and wanting to lash out besides work. Which ever is the cause of the tears or emotions of anger, if it is being exposed at work it’s probably best to take a day or two off.

If there is something you’ve been dealing with outside of work, it should be kept outside of work. For any reason, if it is bothering you so much, then take time to do some self-care. It’s best to be at your top-notch at work at all times. You won’t be able to concentrate if you’re preoccupied by matters outside of work.

On the other hand, if your job is the reason as to why these emotions of sadness or anger are coming up, then maybe taking sometime off to reflect if you want to continue working at this company or not. Life is short. We do not owe our lives to our jobs.

This is a huge decision, so it needs time to think about before taking any action.

2. Our Friends and Family Tell Us We Spend Too Much Time At Work

If our friends and family have to beg to spend time with us, then it is pretty obvious we’re spending too much time at work.

If you find yourself resonating with this reason more than the others, it seems like you have found your passion, or there are other underlying reasons as to why you sacrifice so much at this particular job.

However, you always want to make sure you’re not using your job as a reason to run away from your problems else where. Remember, the problems you ignore now will be your limitation later.

There’s nothing wrong with spending time at work if it is something you absolutely love to do, but please remember to consider your loved ones as well because at the end of the day you need someone to come home to— and that’s them.

3. You Are Burnt Out

A major reason to call out of work for a few days is because of burn out. Some people wait too long until they realize they are burnt out from work.

We want to avoid this as much as possible because just like we don’t want matters outside of work to influence and affect us when we are at work, it’s the same vice-versa.

We should not let work mess up our physical and mental health; nor should work mess up our relationships with our partners, friends, and family.

If you’re feeling sick, then take time off to visit the doctor and take care of yourself. If you’re missing out on your loved one’s milestones in their lives, then make time to be a part of it.

Work does not have to be our entire lives, especially if it’s not our “dream job.” Jobs view us as replaceable, most of the time, so we should value ourselves and the little time we have left in our lives to enjoy it fully.

We shouldn’t belittle our jobs or managers, but we shouldn’t do it to ourselves neither. If you feel like one of the three reasons closely relates to you, share how you feel and make a plan for yourself. Or if you have more reasons to add, share in the comments below.

As always…

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